Sunday, April 23, 2017

Test, Wow, This is ACTUALLY going to work? I can now again, post to this my actual Blog

Friday, March 13, 2015

Is the Juice
....... worth the Squeeze ?

Waking, and reflecting on the fact this is it! !!
'the "Present" , today! (like WOW ?)
-and, having learned to (choose to simply ) 'show up,' lol,
'Be Present', fully, intentionally, on valuing, appreciating, "the Gift",
which i refer to, (for some years, as) "Volitional Consciousness".
(incumbent with celebratory awareness, respect, towards the freedom/responsibility, we've inherited and been entrusted with.

--- This is what "Jolts" and "Juices me up"

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Awesome Creat-ures

Many years ago I stumbled upon writings about Volitional Consciousness. "That's it," I celebrating my discovery!!!

That's the incredible gift of freedom we, as spirits having a human experience, are endowed with!!

So many examples seem to resonate this. MelGibson in Braveheart, his final words were in celebration of this, while others attempted to torcher him with a painful transition, you remember how it portrayed his power of creative-focus on gratitude.
Freedom indeed. Celebrate the freedom, be free.

I like to think we're here for a purpose, and that is to learn to appreciate and to celebrate this gift, Volitional Consciousness, our freedom, and develope maturity of wisdom in how we self-direct and bring to ourselves the flavor of how we experience our stimulations. ie accepting responsibility.

Life, and how we experience it, is largely a do it to ourself situation.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Honor the Benevolent Warrior that lives within

I invite you to honor the benevolent Warrior that lives inside you. Acknowledge the ways he has already helped you to survive and reach this stage of your journey. Applaud his efforts to awaken you when you fall asleep. Give breath to his desire to take you higher up the Mountain of Consciousness. Honor the white flag at the heart of his feisty nature. The Dude loves you.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Reclaim the Spirit of a BenevolentWarrior

Fellow warrior, x-Toronto Criminal Lawyer, now dedicates himself to encouraging "Soul Shaping"
Check out his site, and facebook presence, and blog on becoming a BenevolentWarrior at

Thursday, February 5, 2009

shocking practices of the psychiatric..

copy this URL and enjoy

Comprehensive video expose on the shocking practices of the psychiatric profession. You need to know this information for you, your family and friends.